Saturday 24 November 2007

Turkey displays imperialistic ideas against Greece

With this map (see picture) entitled "this it is the map of great Turkey" the new issue of the popular Turkish newspaper "Gunes" was published on Wednesday of 21 November. In the map they portray with red colour - that is to say as Turkish land- not only the entire region of eastern Macedonia including Thessalonica and the Mount Athos religious area, but also the whole of Thrace and the Dodekanise islands! The map even includes Cyprus, and Crete!

Please note that in a peculiar demonstration of imperialism Turkley seems to border with Syria, Armenia and Irak.

It is also of note that the article was presented in the goverment-friendly (and in particularly frinedly to the Prime Minister Erntogan) newspaper, immediately after the Hellenic-Turkish agreement for the gas pipe passing trough both countries.

The article mentions the proposed use of oil deposits in the areas of Mosul and Kjrkoy but also the oil found in the area of Dodekanese of Greece !!!

These events highlight the real face of Turkey and its mindset and that with such imperialistic attitude against neighbouring countries it is expedient that their application to join the European Union should be very carefully evaluated.

Taken from and modified from

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